Synergistic potential of dillapiole-rich essential oil with synthetic pyrethroid insecticides against fall armyworm.
Synergistic potential of dillapiole-rich essential oil with synthetic pyrethroid insecticides against fall armyworm.
Autoria: FAZOLIN, M.; ESTRELA, J. L. V.; MONTEIRO, A. F. M.; SILVA, I. M. da; GOMES, L. P.; SILVA, M. S. de F.
Resumo: The objective of this study was to evaluate the synergy and response homogeneity of the Spodoptera frugiperda larvae population to the Piper aduncum essential oil in combination with pyrethroid insecticides (alpha-cypermethrin, beta-cypermethrin, fenpropathrin, and gamma-cyhalothrin) compared to piperonylbutoxide (PBO) as positive control. Synergism (SF) comparisons were obtained using lethal concentration (LC50) and lethal dose (LD50) ratios of insecticides individually and in their respective synergistic combinations with essential oil and PBO. Dose/concentration-mortality slope curves were used to establish relative toxicity increase promoted by synergism. They also determined homogeneity response. Residual contact revealed significant potentiation for commercial insecticides formulated with beta-cypermethrin (SF=9.05-0.5) and fenpropathrin (SF=34.05-49.77) when combined with the P. aduncum essential oil. For topical contact, significant potentiation occurred only for alpha-cypermethrin (SF=7.55-3.68), fenpropathrin (SF=3.37-1.21), and gamma-cyhalothrin (SF=5.79-10.48) insecticides when combined with essential oil. With the exception of fenpropathrin and gamma-cyhalothrin, insecticides synergistic combinations presented homogeneous response by topical as well as residual contact at least with essential oil. The SF significance values of the P. aduncum essential oil combined with alpha-cypermethrin, beta-cypermethrin, fenpropathrin, and gamma-cyhalothrin insecticides indicated potential for this oil to be used as an alternative to PBO.
Ano de publicação: 2016
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Acre
Palavras-chave: Aceites esenciales, Butóxido de piperonil, Butóxido de piperonila (PBO), Caterpillars, Dilapidol, Dilapiol, Homogeneidade, Homogeneity, Insecticidas botánicos, Inseticida de origem vegetal, Inseticida organo-sintético, Lagarta, Lagarta do cartucho, Larvas de insectos, Oruga, Pimenta de macaco, Piperaceae, Plagas de plantas, Praga de planta, Sinergismo, Sinergismo de los plaguicidas, Spodoptera frugiperda, Óleo essencial
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