Feeding and oviposition of Anticarsia emmatalis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with sulethal concentrations of ten condiments essential oils.

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Autoria: RIBEIRO, R. C.; ZANUNCIO, T. V.; RAMALHO, F. de S.; SILVA, C. A. D. da; SERRÃO, J. E.; ZANUNCIO, J. C.

Resumo: The resistance, negative impacts on non-target organisms, and residues in food of synthetic pesticides necessitates the development of environmentally safe products for use in pest control. The objective of this research was to evaluate feeding and oviposition of Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with sublethal concentrations of essential oils of condiments from ten plants, neem oil emulsion (Azamax®), and pyrethroid (Keshet® 25 EC). Bioassays were conducted in the laboratory and in a greenhouse setting using leaf disks (10.25 cm2 diameter) and soybean plants in the vegetative stage V3 with and without choice. The rate of feeding deterrence (IDF) and oviposition (IDO) of A. gemmatalis were calculated after 24 and 48 h of exposure to treatments, respectively. The cinnamon essential oils showed moderate antifeeding effect with IDF >50% of cinnamon mint thyme and garlic essential oils and high repellence of oviposition activity with IDO >80%. The velvetbean moth were attracted to synthetic mustard oil. The essential oils of garlic were most effective in reducing the feeding of velvetbean moth and oviposition of A. gemmatalis females and are therefore of interest in integrated pest management.

Ano de publicação: 2015

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Unidade: Embrapa Algodão


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