Stocking density during the initial grow-out phase of tambatinga in net pens.

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Autoria: RODRIGUES, A. P. O.; LIMA, A. F.; MACIEL, P. O.; SANTOS, P. R. R. dos; FLORES, R. M. V.; SILVA, A. P. da

Resumo: The aim of this study was to determine the most adequate stocking density for tambatinga during the initial grow-out phase in net pens, considering fish growth, health, and financial aspects. Three stocking densities (400, 500, and 600 fish m-3) were evaluated for 60 days in a completely randomized design (n=4). There were no significant differences among the stocking densities for growth performance parameters, but yield was higher in the density of 600 fish m-3 (3,909.43±397.79kg m-3) compared to 400 fish m-3 (2,656.43±665.45kg m-3). Glucose, hematocrit, and total plasma proteins levels did not differ among treatments. The production was economically feasible for the three stocking densities. However, the density of 600 fish m-3 showed the highest profit. According to the results, 600 fish m-3 is the most adequate density for the initial grow-out phase of tambatinga in net pens.

Ano de publicação: 2016

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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