Utilização dos modelos AgES-W e SWAT para quantificação dos recursos hídricos na Bacia do Ribeirão das Posses, Extrema, MG.

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Autoria: CRUZ, P. P. N. da; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; GREEN, T. R.

Resumo: Resumo: O sudeste do Brasil atravessou um período de seca que afetou a gestão da qualidade e quantidade da água de bacias hidrográficas tanto para as demandas agrícolas como para as urbanas. Neste contexto, ferramentas de modelagem agro-hidrológicas podem gerar informações da resposta hídrica ao longo do tempo frente às mudanças climáticas e de uso da terra. Uma bacia de drenagem de 12 km2, que tem sofrido com atividades antrópicas é a microbacia do Ribeirão das Posses, localizada no extremo sul do Estado de Minas Gerais, cujas áreas de nascentes contribuem para o Rio Jaguari e para o Sistema Cantareira, principal reservatório no estado de São Paulo. Atualmente, o Projeto Conservador das Águas recuperou pequenas áreas com vegetação de espécies nativas, especialmente onde há nascentes e no topo das colinas e nas margens dos cursos d?água, a fim de beneficiar os seus estoques e fluxos hídricos. Dessa maneira, o objetivo do presente trabalho é avaliar a quantidade de água na Bacia do Ribeirão das Posses utilizando dados já disponíveis, e em seguida, simular essas respostas no espaço e no tempo para testar os modelos AgroEcoSystem-Watershed (AgES-W) e Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Abstract: Southeastern Brazil is under a period of drought that has impacted the conservation of watersheds and the management of water quality and quantity for agricultural and urban demands. In this context agrohydrological modeling tools can generate information of water response over time to climate and land use changes. A 12-km2 watershed which has suffered from anthropogenic activities is the Ribeirão das Posses watershed that is located in the extreme south of Minas Gerais State and is a headwater catchment of the Jaguarí river, one of the contributing rivers of the Cantareira Reservoir Complex in the state of São Paulo. Currently, the Water Conservation Project has planted some small areas with vegetation of native species, especially where there are springs and at the top of the hills and riparian zones, in order to improve water resources in this study basin. Therefore, the objective of the present work is to evaluate the quantity of water in the Ribeirão das Posses Basin using measured data, then simulate these responses in space and time to test the AgroEcoSystem-Watershed (AgES-W) and Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Abstract: Southeastern Brazil is under a period of drought that has impacted the conservation of watersheds and the management of water quality and quantity for agricultural and urban demands. In this context agro- hydrological modeling tools can generate information of water response over time to climate and land use changes. A 12-km 2 watershed which has suff ered from anthropogenic activities is the Ribeirão das Posses watershed that is located in the extreme south of Minas Gerais State and is a headwater catchment of the Jaguarí river, one of the contributing rivers of the Cantareira Reservoir Complex in the state of São Paulo. Currently, the Water Conservation Project has planted some small areas with vegetation of native species, especially where there are springs and at the top of the hills and riparian zones, in order to improve water resources in this study basin. Therefore, the objective of the present work is to evaluate the quantity of water in the Ribeirão das Posses Basin using measured data, then simulate these responses in space and time to test the AgroEcoSystem-Watershed (AgES-W) and Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT).

Ano de publicação: 2016

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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