Simultaneous optimization of coffee quality variables during storage.

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Autoria: ABREU, G. F. de; ROSA, S. D. V. F. da; CIRILLO, M. A.; MALTA, M. R.; CLEMENTE, A. C. S.; BORÉM, F. M.

Resumo: The objective of the study was to use methodology of simultaneous optimization of multiple responses applied to an experimental design to determine the best combination of storage period and conditions for preservation of coffee beans. Coffea arabica L. fruits were harvested in the ripe stage of maturation, processed using wet and dry methods, and dried to 11% (wet basis) moisture content. Part of the beans was hulled, while the other part was hulled only after the beans were stored under two different environmental conditions: cooled air at 10 ºC with 50% relative humidity; and at 25 ºC without controlling the relative humidity. Samples were taken at 3, 6, and 12 months intervals in order to evaluate quality. The data were submitted to the simultaneous optimization of responses for each processing and hulling condition separately, in a completely randomized design and 2 x 3 factorial scheme (two storage conditions and three storage periods). In conclusion, the use of the simultaneous optimization of responses is viable to be applied for determining the ideal storage conditions in a refrigerated condition.

Ano de publicação: 2017

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Unidade: Embrapa Café


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