Anredera cordifolia a new host of Dichotomophthora sp.

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Autoria: SOARES, D. J.; NECHET, K. de L.

Resumo: Resumo: Anredera cordifolia (Basellaceae) is a highly invasive species native from South America, including Brazil. In January 2016, several plants of A. cordifolia showing a foliar spot were observed in Jaguariúna/SP. The symptoms were initially characterized by small circular brown dots, with reddish margins, sometimes becoming confluent, later evolving to large blighted areas, sometimes with concentric rings and profuse fungal sporulation, resulting in early foliar abscission. Samples were collected and examined under a stereomicroscope and a dematiaceous hyphomycete was consistently found associated to the symptoms. Glass slides containing fungal structures obtained from in vivo samples and also from cultures were examined under a microscope and the fungus was identified as belonging to the genus Dichotomophthora. Pathogenicity tests proved that the fungus was able to cause similar symptoms on the original host (A. cordifolia) and also on Portulaca oleraceae and P. grandiflora. Although the genus Dichotomophthora have been previously reported on Basella rubra (Basellaceae) in China, to our knowledge, this is the first report of this genus on Anredera worldwide.

Ano de publicação: 2016

Tipo de publicação: Resumo em anais e proceedings


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