Morphological dissimilarity among mangabeira tree populations from Amapá and Paraíba, Brazil.
Morphological dissimilarity among mangabeira tree populations from Amapá and Paraíba, Brazil.
Autoria: YOKOMIZO, G. K. I.; MAIA, M. C. C.; TRINDADE, C. F. da
Resumo: Mangabeira fruits are collected from native populations under anthropic pressure. It is therefore essential to obtain morphogenetic information to genetically improve populations, thereby preventing genetic erosion. This research was carried out in the state Amapá and aimed to verify the morphological dissimilarity between two populations, one composed of 36 native progenies and one of eight progenies from Paraiba, outlined in lattices with two replications and six plants per part. The evaluated characteristics were: agronomic value (VA), treetop circumference (CCP), plant height (ALP), estimated number of fruits per plant (NEF), fruit color (COF), average weight of 10 fruits (PMF), fruit diameter (DF), average pulp weight of ten fruits (PMP), average length of 10 fruits (CMF), average number of seeds of 10 fruits (NMS). Our results indicate that the phenotype was mainly determined by responses to environmental changes; in the correlations, inherent fruit characteristics (weight, size, and color) did not affect the VA, while biometric characters influenced VA values. Higher plants presented larger fruits and a larger diameter, bigger quantities, there is also apparent contrast, with a larger amount of smaller size; the populations are dissimilar, indicating the possibility of obtaining of diverging superior segregating.
Ano de publicação: 2017
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Amapa
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