Selection of morphoagronomic descriptors for the characterization of accessions of cassava of the Eastern Brazilian Amazon.

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Autoria: SILVA, R. S.; CUNHA, E. F. M.; FARIAS NETO, J. T. de; LEDO, C. A. da S.; SAMPAIO, J. E. de

Resumo: The aim of this study was to select morphoagronomic descriptors to characterize cassava accessions representative of Eastern Brazilian Amazonia. It was characterized 262 accessions using 21 qualitative descriptors. The multiple-correspondence analysis (MCA) technique was applied using the criteria: contribution of the descriptor in the last factorial axis of analysis in successive cycles (SMCA); reverse order of the descriptor's contribution in the last factorial axis of analysis with all descriptors ('O'´p') of Jolliffe's method; mean of the contribution orders of the descriptor in the first three factorial axes in the analysis with all descriptors ('Os') together with ('O'´p'); and order of contribution of weighted mean in the first three factorial axes in the analysis of all descriptors ('Oz'). The dissimilarity coefficient was measured by the method of multicategorical variables. The correlation among the matrix generated with all descriptors and matrices based on each criteria varied (r = 0.21, r = 0.97, r = 0.98, r = 0.13 for SMCA, 'Os', 'Oz' and 'O'´p', respectively). The least informative descriptors were discarded independently and according to both 'Os' and 'Oz' criteria. Thirteen descriptors were capable to discriminate the accessions and to represent the morphological variability of accessions sampled in Brazilian Eastern Amazonia: color of apical leaves, petiole color, color of stem exterior, external color of storage root, color of stem cortex, color of root pulp, texture of root epidermis, color of leaf vein, color of stem epidermis, color of end branches of adult plant, branching habit, root shape, and constriction of root.

Ano de publicação: 2017

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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