Relações entre a paisagem e a dinâmica de uso da terra no município de Paragominas-PA. Uso de produtos SRTM e dados do Terraclass no mapeamento, distribuição e conversões entre sistemas de pecuária e agricultura anual.

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Autoria: CARDOSO, R. da S.; BELLUZZO, A. P.; SILVA, R. de N. P. da; SILVA, L. G. T.; VENTURIERI, A.; CAMPOS, A. G. S.; VALENTE, M. A.

Resumo: This paper presents the preliminary results of the Environmental Monitoring by Satellites Project of the Amazon Biome, subproject 1 - Mapping of land use and cover in the Legal Amazon, through the field mission in the Eastern Amazon, in the state of Pará, during the period From May 23 to 25, 2016 in Paragominas-PA. Land use classes and validation of the past mapping of deforestation were recognized through mappings for the years 2004, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014, from which the land use dynamics were obtained, considering the annual agriculture classes And productive pasture, also referred to as clean pasture, degraded pastures, which included the regeneration classes with pasture, dirty pasture and exposed soil, as well as SRTM sensor products, through which a map of landscape compartments was produced, which allowed mapping The distribution of said land use classes in each of the four landscape units found in the municipality of Paragominas. The results show that there is a predominance of pastures in the lower areas that contain higher drainage densities and water courses that provide watering for livestock, while in the plateaus, where only the dry springs and gaps and flat relief are located in the larger ones altitudes, areas of agriculture predominate.

Ano de publicação: 2017

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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