Uso de Geotecnologias na detecção de potenciais Áreas de Preservação Permanente e Reserva Legal na Região Administrativa Central do Estado de São Paulo.

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Autoria: GARCON, E. A. M.; FONSECA, M. F.; RONQUIM, C. C.

Resumo: Our objective in this work was to estimate, using geoprocessing techniques, the amount of permanent preservation areas (APPs) at the rural areas of the cities that are part of the Central Administrative Region of the State of São Paulo in the year 2016, to verify its adequacy to the New Brazilian Forest Code and to estimate, by means of land use and cover classification, the environmental liabilities for legal reserve (RL) areas in the region's cities. We additionally detected sugarcane crops in terrains with slope degrees higher than 12% and which will no longer be used for crops, in accordance with law decree 47.700/SP, and may therefore indicate areas which are viable for use as RLs, thus helping reduce the region's environmental liabilities. Our results show that the region contains 30.492,6 ha of environmental liabilities in APP areas and 27,493.6 ha in RL areas. Current sugarcane areas with potential to become RLs comprise 35,630.6 ha. The APP and RL areas are unevenly distributed across the region. Some cities showed no environmental liabilities, whereas others could reconcile or reduce theirs by 14.5% to 79.5% by using the areas that will no longer be used for sugarcane crops.

Ano de publicação: 2017

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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