Water footprint and nutrient efficiency in swine and poultry.

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Autoria: PALHARES, J. C. P.

Resumo: Water and its use is an essential resource for food security and access to safe and reliable sources and is the basis of global food production. We should promote animal systems that improve nutrient and water efficiency, and are resource-conserving. In this way, we will improve the resilience and adaptability of these systems. The amount of water that is used in animal agriculture influences society?s view of its environmental sustainability. The water challenges can no longer be solved within the livestock sector alone because the driving forces and the solutions often lie outside the livestock sector itself. Science and technology are necessary but not sufficient to understand animal systems changes. Other political economic, cultural, and ethical factors are also important. Increases in water and nutrient efficiency and productivity will be achieved internalizing the livestock water management: defined as the daily use of knowledge, practices and technologies that guarantee the supply of water in quantity and quality. Knowledge about relationship between swine and poultry nutrition, water consumption and waste production is essential for economic activities that have been questioned for their sustainability. The establishment of indicators that express these relationships will assist decision-making by actors in the production chain, and provide social evaluation of these activities.

Ano de publicação: 2017

Tipo de publicação: Resumo em anais e proceedings


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