Volume increment modeling and subsidies for the management of the tree Mora paraensis (Ducke) Ducke based on the study of growth rings.
Volume increment modeling and subsidies for the management of the tree Mora paraensis (Ducke) Ducke based on the study of growth rings.
Resumo: The aim of the present study was to contribute to increased sustainability in the timber management of Mora paraensis, through the estimation of minimum logging diameter (MLD) and felling cycle, using volume increment models based on tree-ring analysis and allometric relationships. We collected stem discs from 17 trees of five diameter classes. The diameters and heights of the trees were also measured. We estimated tree ages by ring-counting and the radial increment rates by measuring the ring widths with a digital analysis system. We built growth models based on relationships between age, diameter and tree height to estimate volume increment along the tree?s whole life cycle. The maximum current diameter increment in M. paraensis occurs at an age of around 26 years, reaching 4.91 mm
Ano de publicação: 2017
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Amapa
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