Organomineral phosphorus fertilization in the production of corn, soybean and bean cultivated in succession.
Organomineral phosphorus fertilization in the production of corn, soybean and bean cultivated in succession.
Autoria: MARTINS, D. C.; RESENDE, A. V. de; GALVÃO, J. C. C.; SIMÃO, E. de P.; FERREIRA, J. P. da C.; ALMEIDA, G. de O.
Resumo: The use of organic waste in agriculture has been used aiming at greater productivity, decrease in the cost of production and sustainable use of resources. The present study aimed at evaluating the effect of phosphate fertilization with the maintenance of organomineral fertilizers, combining poultry manure and soluble or reactive phosphate, in the production of grains in corn culture and the residual effect for subsequent crops of beans and soybeans. The experiment was conducted in Sete Lagoas, MG, in 2015, using three fertilizers with sources of different phosphorus sources (triple super phosphate?STP, organomineral with STP and organomineral with Bayovar phosphate) applied at the doses of 65, 130, 195 and 260 kg∙ha−1 of P2O5 total, and compared to the control without phosphate fertilization. We evaluated the contents of foliar P, P accumulation in the grains, yields of corn grains, beans and soy, accumulated productivity and export of accumulated P of the three cultures. The three cultures assessed presented higher productivity when compared to the average of the factorial treatments that received phosphate fertilization relative to the control. Organomineral fertilizers increased grain production, obtaining average productivity equal to or greater than those obtained with the exclusive use of STP.
Ano de publicação: 2017
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Milho e Sorgo
Palavras-chave: Fertilizante, Fertilização, Fosfato reativo, Fósforo
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