Spray drift and caterpillar and stink bug control from aerial applications with electrostatic charge and atomizer on soybean crop.

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Autoria: CUNHA, J. P. A. R. da; BARIZON, R. R. M.; FERRACINI, V. L.; ASSALIN, M. R.

Resumo: The use of aerial application with electrostatic charge is an alternative to improve the quality of insecticide applications in soybean crop. The objective of this study was to evaluate the drift and chemical control of the caterpillar and stink bug complex promoted by aerial applications of insecticide in the soybean crop, using electrostatic spray system and rotary atomizers. The insecticide Thiamethoxam + Lambda cyhalothrin was applied with a Cessna 188 Ag Truck agricultural aircraft in two treatments: SPE® electrostatic system, with 54 SPE-5 nozzles and 10 L ha-1 application rate, and Travicar model® 05165 rotary atomizer, with 55° angle blades and application rate of 20 L ha-1. Drift was evaluated through quantification of active ingredient, by means of liquid chromatography, on nylon strings set 20, 40, 80, 160 and 320 m downwind from the applied area. Control efficiency was measured by counting caterpillars and stink bugs found five days after application. The droplet spectrum was also evaluated through water sensitive papers placed in the target area. It was verified that the hydraulic nozzles, associated with the electrostatic system, generated lower drift, but there was no difference in pest control efficiency, in relation to the rotary atomizers.

Ano de publicação: 2017

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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