Spatial and temporal distribution of cotton squares and small cotton bolls fallen on ground after damage by boll weevil and the effciency of the equipment used to collect them.

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Autoria: SILVA, C. A. D. da; DUARTE, M. de M. F.; GONÇALVES, S. G.; VASCONCELOS, E. D.

Resumo: In this study, we determined the spatial and temporal distribution of fallen cotton squares and small cotton bolls fallen damaged by boll weevil and the efficiency and time interval of the equipment used to collect cotton samples. Spatial and temporal distribution of cotton squares and small cotton bolls fallen on the soil damaged by boll weevil among cotton rows was determined in an experimental design of randomized blocks in a factorial arrangement of 4x3, represented by soil surface tracks located at 1-11cm, 12-22cm, 23-33cm, and 34-44cm away from the planting row of cotton plants 70, 85, and 100 days of age. Efficiency and collection time interval of the cotton samples fallen on the soil infested by boll weevil by plastic rakes that were straight or fan-shaped, big broom, collector instrument model CNPA and aspirator of leaves 'Trapp' were determined in randomized block design with five treatments, 10 repetitions for each. Results demonstrated that the collection of cotton samples must be performed with greater attention to soil strips located below the cotton top projection and aspirator 'Trapp' of leaves was more appropriate for the operation as it used less time of collection with similar efficiency to other available equipment.

Ano de publicação: 2017

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Unidade: Embrapa Algodão


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