Sub-surface soil organic carbon stock affected by tree lines in an oxisol under integrated crop-livestock-forestry in the Southern Amazon.

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Autoria: MADARI, B. E.; OLIVEIRA, J. M.; CARVALHO, M. T. de M.; WRUCK, F. J.; MACHADO, P. L. O. de A.

Resumo: The carbon (C) removed from the atmosphere through photosynthesis may be finally transferred into the soil. Soil organic C storage (SOC), therefore, is an important indicator of the capacity of a production system to sequester SOC. Integrated agriculture production systems (IS) are one of the main strategies of the Brazilian government to reduce or compensate for C emissions from agriculture. Besides, IS are also important means of intensifying and diversifying production and at the same time propitiate benefits to the environment. Our goal was to see whether IS in the form of crop-livestock-forestry (ICLF) could stock more SOC than continuous Pasture without soil management and to contribute to the elucidation of the role of trees in SOC accumulation. The study was carried out in the north of Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Intensive land use was represented by two sites recently under ICLF implemented 3 years before the study. Carbon stocks were analyzed for the 0.0-0.3 and 0.0-1.0 m layers. Around 50% of all C was stored below the 0.3 m. The high C storage places in ICLF were identified in the tree lines at 0.3-1.0 m where N deficiency was not present.

Ano de publicação: 2017

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings

Palavras-chave: Lavoura-pecuária-floresta


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