Assessment of project portfolio management on public research institutions: a case applied to agricultural research in Brazil.

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Autoria: BISCOLA, P. H. N.; BUNGENSTAB, D. J.; ALVES, G. L.; PAULA, N. Q. de; FREIRE, J. R. de S.

Resumo: Portfolio management can be a major tool for selecting projects where scarce public resources will be invested with the best returns for society. This study aimed to propose a model for diagnostic of project portfolio management (PPM) on public research institutions and to apply it over a case study. The methodology used was literature review and a single case study applied to Embrapa Beef Cattle, a Research Center of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA). Conclusion is that the model can be used for the diagnostic of PPM on public research institutions. The importance given to strategic orientation by the studied research center became evident throughout the work. This need to integrate project portfolio with institutional strategy influences the three dimensions of the model. From the results obtained it becomes evident that putting into practice an effective strategic planning for public research institutions is paramount for project portfolio success. The tool can be enhanced through incorporation of new criteria and dimensions, serving as a starting point for further work focused on public management.

Ano de publicação: 2017

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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