Situação do saneamento básico nas áreas de concentração da agricultura familiar no Brasil.

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Resumo: This study aimed to analyze the conditions of basic sanitation (water supply, sanitary sewage, solid waste collection) in the areas of concentration of family agriculture in Brazil. The areas with the highest concentration of family agriculture that present a high percentage of rural households with inadequate basic sanitation are subject to greater risks of diseases related to inadequate environmental sanitation, requiring the allocation of resources and efforts to improve basic sanitation conditions and of the living conditions of the rural population. The geographical distribution of basic sanitation services does not occur homogeneously. The situation is worse in the northeastern region of the country, where inadequate sanitary sewage is predominant and where a high percentage of households have an inadequate destination for solid waste, the region that concentrates most of the family establishments in Brazil. The South and Southeast Regions have comparatively better conditions for basic sanitation. Basic sanitation in the areas of concentration of family farming is still very precarious in several areas of the country. The impact of lack of sanitation is reflected in health, environmental, social and economic problems, and it is necessary to invest resources in the country aiming at improvements in the coverage and quality of basic sanitation services in Brazil.

Ano de publicação: 2017

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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