Rapid determination of the aromatic compounds methyl-anthranilate, 2?-aminoacetophenone and furaneol by GC-MS: Method validation and characterization of grape derivatives.

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Autoria: DUTRA, M. da C. P.; SOUZA, J. F. de; VIANA, A. C.; OLIVEIRA, D. de; PEREIRA, G. E.; LIMA, M. dos S.

Resumo: A methodology for the rapid determination of the aromatic compounds methyl anthranilate (MA), 2′-aminoacetophenone (2-AAP) and furaneol by GC-MS was validated and used to characterize grape juice and wine elaborated with the new Brazilian grape varieties cultivated in northeastern Brazil, and Brazilian grape nectars. The method presented linearity (R2˃0.9952), good accuracy (CV< 12.9%), recovery (76.6% to 106.3%), limit of detection (23μgL−1 to 94μgL−1) and limit of quantification (96μgL−1 to 277μgL−1) acceptable in only 20 min of running. The methodology was considered satisfactory for the purpose, being a simple and rapid method for the determination of these compounds in grape derivatives drinks. In the characterization of the nectars the compound that stood out was the MA, being its presence attributed to the addition of flavorings in these products. It was evidenced a significant contribution of furaneol in the aroma of grape juice and wines elaborated with the new Brazilian grape varieties.

Ano de publicação: 2018

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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