Land-use and land-cover mapping of the Brazilian cerrado based mainly on Landsat-8 satellite images.

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Autoria: SCARAMUZZA, C. A. de M.; SANO, E. E.; ADAMI, M.; BOLFE, E. L.; COUTINHO, A. C.; ESQUERDO, J. C. D. M.; MAURANO, L. E. P.; NARVAES, I. da S.; OLIVEIRA FILHO, F. J. B. de; ROSA, R.; SILVA, E. B. da; VALERIANO, D. de M.; VICTORIA, D. de C.; BAYMA, A. P.; OLIVEIRA, G. H. de; SILVA, G. B. S. da

Resumo: The Brazilian Cerrado is one of the world´s biodiversity hotspot and hosts some of the most intensive agricultural activities for food production in the world. The objective of this study was to produce a land-use and land-cover (LULC) map of the Cerrado based on Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) images. A set of 121 scenes from 2013 was processed using the image segmentation technique. The segments were exported in the shapefile format and interpreted visually in a geographical information system software using RGB/564 color composites. The following LULC classes were considered: annual croplands, perennial croplands, cultivated pasturelands, reforestation, mosaic of occupation, urban areas, mining areas, bare soil, forestlands, non-forestlands, water bodies, and non-identified (clouds and burned areas). The overall accuracy was estimated by an independent scientist with large experience in Cerrado´s image interpretation. The results showed that 43.4% of the study area (88.5 million hectares) were already converted into agricultural, urban and mining areas, 54.6% (111 million hectares) were still natural areas, and 1.9% (3.9 million hectares) was classified as non-identified. Cultivated pasturelands were the most representative land-use type (29.5%), followed by annual croplands (8.5%) and perennial croplands (3.1%). The overall accuracy of the final map was 80.2%.

Ano de publicação: 2017

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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