The effect of longitudinal distribution and seed depth on grain yield of common bean.
The effect of longitudinal distribution and seed depth on grain yield of common bean.
Autoria: SILVEIRA, P. M. da; NASCENTE, A. S.; SILVA, J. G. da
Resumo: The aim of this study was to quantify the longitudinal distribution of plants in the row and seed depth and their effects on hypocotyl length and diameter and on yield components and grain yield of common bean, specifically the cultivar BRSMG Realce in a Latossolo soil in the Cerrado (Brazilian tropical savanna). The data on plant distances in the row were obtained in the field with the aid of a measuring tape in four rows of 2.5 m length. Seed depth was determined by measuring the length of the hypocotyl that was within the soil after pulling up the plant. Hypocotyl diameter was evaluated at ground level using a digital caliper. Descriptive (univariate) statistical analysis was applied to the data. Linear correlations were established among distribution of distance between plants in the row, the depth of sowing, the characteristics of the hypocotyls, and grain yield data of common bean. Negative linear regression was observed between grain yield with sowing depth, and positive linear regression between hypocotyl diameter and longitudinal spacing between plants in the row. In the sowing process, special attention should be given to seed distribution in the row to avoid subsequent uneven plant distribution and to seed depth to avoid yield loss.
Ano de publicação: 2018
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Arroz e Feijão
Palavras-chave: Beans, Espaçamento, Feijão, Hipocótilo, Hypocotyls, Phaseolus Vulgaris, Plantio, Row spacing, Seeds, Semente, Sowing
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