Potentially probiotic goat cheese produced with autochthonous adjunct culture of Lactobacillus mucosae: Microbiological, physicochemical and sensory attributes.

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Autoria: MORAES, G. M. D. DE; SANTOS, K. M. O. dos; BARCELOS, S. C. DE; LOPES, S. A.; EGITO, A. S. do

Resumo: Abstract: A freeze-dried lactic culture was prepared with the potentially probiotic strain Lb. mucosae CNPC007, isolated from goat's milk, and used in the manufacture of Coalho goat cheese. Lb. mucosae viability in the powered culture was greater than 7.3 log CFU g−1 throughout 360 days of storage at −20 °C or 90 days at 22 °C. The goat cheese made with the autochthonous lactic culture had physical and physical-chemical characteristics compatible to those required for Coalho cheese, and obtained good sensory acceptability, with average scores higher than 7.0 for the attributes color, aroma, flavor, texture, and overall impression. According to the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA), the Lb. mucosae goat cheese showed higher homogeneity, fracturability, and a more intense yogurt flavor at 28 days of storage. By the Check All That Apply (CATA) method, the experimental cheese was characterized as white, smooth, salty, and with a yogurt and butter flavor - characteristics pointed out by consumers as ideal in Coalho goat cheese. Lb. mucosae population in the cheese was higher than 108 CFU g−1 throughout the entire studied period. Taken together, the results demonstrate the suitability of the freeze-dried culture of Lb. mucosae CNPC007 for the production of a novel potentially probiotic goat cheese.

Ano de publicação: 2018

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Palavras-chave: Coalho, Probióticos, Queijo


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