Manihot alterniflora and M. elongata spp. nov. (Euphorbiaceae) and the rediscovery of M. quinquefolia in Caatinga (semiarid) vegetation in Brazil.
Manihot alterniflora and M. elongata spp. nov. (Euphorbiaceae) and the rediscovery of M. quinquefolia in Caatinga (semiarid) vegetation in Brazil.
Autoria: MARTINS, M. L. L.; CARVALHO, P. C. L. de; LEDO, C. A. da S.; AMORIM, A. M.
Resumo: We describe and illustrate two species of Manihot that occur in Caatinga (semiarid) vegetation in Brazil and redescribe and lectotypify M. quinquefolia Pohl, which was only known from a single collection made by J. E. B. Pohl in 1827. Manihot elongata P.Carvalho & M.Martins is widely distributed and Manihot alterniflora P.Carvalho & M.Martins is endangered because of its small populations and restricted area of occurrence. We establish M. quinquefolia as the only species of Manihot in the Caatinga with compound leaves. An identification key is provided for the 13 species of Manihot present in the Caatinga.
Ano de publicação: 2018
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura
Palavras-chave: Mandioca
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