Características morfogênicas em híbridos de sorgo para pastejo submetidos a duas frequências de desfolhação com ovinos.

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Autoria: MOREIRA, J. B. da S.; COUTINHO, D. N.; CÂNDIDO, M. M. D.; POMPEU, R. C. F. F.; Duarte MARANHÃO, T. D.; NASCIMENTO, B. B. do; ALMEIDA, B. P. de; NASCIMENTO, D. R. do

Resumo: Abstract: In regions where the poor rainfall distribution reduces the availability of food to feed the herds, sorghum hybrids present as a viable forage resource to prolong the forage supply in the field. This study evaluated the morphogenetic characteristics of sorghum hybrids under grazing frequencies managed under intermittent stocking with sheep. The experiment was conducted at Núcleo de Ensino e Estudos em Forragicultura, Fortaleza-CE. The treatments were combinations between hybrids of Sorghum for grazing (BR and CM) and two grazing frequencies (60 and 80 cm canopy height), in a 2 x 2 factorial randomized block design, with four replications. Higher leaf elongation rate was observed in CM hybrid pastures and in the 60 cm frequency. The stem elongation rate was higher in BR hybrid pastures and in the first regrowth cycle. The leaf appearance rate was higher in CM hybrid pastures, in the 60 cm frequency and in the second regrowth cycle. The CM hybrid presented higher leaf elongation and appearance rates and lower stem elongation rate when handled in the coastal region under dry conditions, presenting as a grass with good morphogenetic characteristics for use under grazing by sheep.

Ano de publicação: 2018

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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