Machine traffic and soil penetration resistance in guava tree orchards.

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Autoria: SOUZA, H. A. de

Resumo: The study was conducted in irrigated commercial orchards of ?Paluma? and ?Pedro Sato? guavas, which were mapped with a Garmin GPS unit (Cx60). Sixty five sampling points were marked on a 21 x 21 m sampling grid. Gravimetric humidity and soil penetration resistance (SPR) were evaluated with the help of an automated penetrometer rod with a type 3 cone at a 45º angle (maximum SPR 15,100 kPa). Data with non-normal distribution were analyzed by geostatistics and interpolation by ordinary kriging. SPR values were higher where machine traffic occurs than on the lines where the crop is planted. There was spatial variability of the SPR among the layers evaluated, with the layer between 0.10-0.20 m, on the line of the machine traffic, presenting a higher SPR (>4000 kPa).

Ano de publicação: 2018

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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