Effect of Trichostatin-A on embryos of bovine clones modified genetically with GFP.

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Autoria: OTERO, R.; HERNÁNDEZ, D.; CAMARGO, L. S. de A.

Resumo: Abstract Objective: To evaluate the effect of treatment with trichostatin-A (TSA) on the production of bovine embryos, expressing the gene of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) generated by SCNT. Materials: 164 oocytes were distributed in three treatments, NT-GFP: newly reconstructed zygotes with genetically modified cells and not subject to TSA. NT-Trico-GFP: newly reconstructed zygotes with genetically modified cells and subjected to TSA. PART: Zygotes generated by parthenogenetic activation, used as a control for the process of oocyte activation and culture of embryos. The rates of cleavage, blastocysts, and embryos that expressed GFP were assessed by contingency tables and chi-square tests. Results: The percentage of cleavage in the zygotes in the NT-GFP treatment was greater but did not vary significantly from the NT-Trico-GFP treatment. However, this last treatment had a higher percentage of blastocyst formation (p = 0.077). The percentage of blastocysts from cleaved zygotes, the produced embryos were significantly higher (p < 0.05) for the NT-Trico-GFP treatment than for the NT-GFP. In both treatments, all the blastocysts generated expressed the GFP protein. Conclusions:TSA improves the embryonic development of clones of genetically modified cattle that express GFP.

Ano de publicação: 2018

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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