Aplicação de método de seleção de variáveis em um modelo DEA na produção de bovinos de corte.
Aplicação de método de seleção de variáveis em um modelo DEA na produção de bovinos de corte.
Autoria: FREITAS, A. P. de; GUTERRES, M. X.; LAMPERT, V. do N.; SILVA, A. H. S. da; BARCELLOS, J. O. J.; MARQUES, P. R.
Resumo: Nonparametric frontier estimation assesses relative efficiency of production units. The method with a larger scope in the literature is Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Efficiency analysis evaluated by DEA demands special attention when selecting the variables of the model. This paper incorporated a reference matrix as preliminary step in the implementation of a variable selection method, to measure the efficiency of beef cattle production systems. With the assistance of specialists, this matrix aims refine a variable selection method, to reduce or put out the selection of worthless variables to a future efficiency analysis. Proposed method for DEA variables selection was scoped in eight cities in the western region of Rio Grande do Sul state, to evaluate the performance of complete lifecycle beef cattle production systems. The variables resulting from the application demonstrated an alignment with greatest zootechnics importance points for beef cattle production systems efficiency estimation, reproductive, growth and survival characteristics of the animals in the production system. This method demonstrated to be important at supplementing the classical method of reduction and elimination of variables, by attending specialists judgment on the preliminary step.
Ano de publicação: 2017
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Pecuária Sul
Palavras-chave: Análise por envoltória de dados, Bovinocultura, Gado de Corte
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