Atividades agropecuárias e qualidade da água: uma análise a partir da Resolução CONAMA nº 357/2005.

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Autoria: BARROSO, D. F. R.; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; PIRES, C. da S.; COSTA, F. F.

Resumo: Abstract: In this work is presented the influence of agricultural activities on water quality in watersheds in the Northeast of Para. The objective is presenting characteristics of the water and compare them with Conama Resolution 357/2005 to answer the following question: what is the measure of interference of farming activities on water quality in the watersheds evaluated? It was hypothesized that the agricultural activities developed in these basins change the quality of the water, increasing the parameters above that legislated by the mentioned resolution. The work was carried out in the meso watershed of the Perinpindeua igarapé, more specifically in nine watershed under the influence of diverse agricultural and forest uses. The results show that the agricultural activities change the characteristics of the waters, and in some cases, they even influence discordant values of the Conama Resolution, as in the case of dissolved oxygen in the watersheds influenced by pasture.

Ano de publicação: 2018

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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