Utilização de modelos matemáticos para a quantificação de gases produzidos na avaliação in vitro de DDGS.

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Autoria: ROECKER, A. N.; PEREIRA, D. H.; PEDREIRA, B. C. e; PINA, D. S.; BEZERRA, R. P.; FARIA, A. C. de; SOUZA, H. A. de

Resumo: The use of animals to evaluate the quality of food in their food, obtaining results more reliable than laboratory methods, but given the limitations of the technique make the improvement of the other methods are improved. Several mathematical models exist to predict the production of gases from ruminal fermentation, and it has already been determined that those that best represent the field situation are the nonlinear models (Exponential, Exponential Bicompartimental, Gompertz, Logistic and Logic Bicompartmental). The objective of this work was to determine the model that best represented the in vitro gas production of DDGS (DDGSS) and maize (DDGSM) ethanol co-products. In order to determine the total gas production, the automatic in vitro gas production technique, the ANKOM® RF - Gas production system (GAPS), was used. The total volume of gases produced by the in vitro degradation of ethanol production co-products from corn (DDGSM) and sorghum (DDGSS) ranged from 12.7450 to 14.7534 and 12.0006 to 13.2891 mL of gases / 100mg of ASA. The model that best fit the curve fit and cumulative gas production of the DDGSM was the exponential; of the DDGSS - Logistic.

Ano de publicação: 2018

Tipo de publicação: Resumo em anais e proceedings


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