Anaerobic biodegradation of cassava wastewater under different temperatures and inoculums.

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Autoria: AMORIM, M. C. C. de; SILVA, P. T. de S. e; BARBOSA, P. S.; MONTEFUSCO, N. E.

Resumo: The production of starch generates, as a by-product, the cassava wastewater (manipueira), which can be treated by anaerobic digestion to provide biogas and minimize its polluting potential. The most commonly utilized biomass in the anaerobic digestion is the anaerobic sludge. The literature presents, as an alternative to sludge, bovine manure and ruminal fluids, being scarce the studies with the cassava wastewater. This research evaluated the influence of temperature on the microbial ability of cattle and goat rumen in anaerobically biodegrading the manipueira in substitution to the anaerobic sludge. The cattle and goat rumen specific methanogenic activities (SMA) were compared with that of the anaerobic sludge. Subsequently, by using the inoculum which had the best SMA results, cassava wastewater biodegradability tests were performed, investigating the kinetics of the organic matter removal and methane production at 32 ° C and 39 ° C. The bovine rumen presented better results in the SMA (0,315 g COD-CH4 g VSS.d-1) and methane production (1,026 mL). The temperature of 32 °C did not influence the activity of bovine ruminal inoculum as the kinetics of the biodegradation of the manipueira did not differ for the evaluated temperatures (0.1799 d-1 at 32°C and 0.1781 d-1 at 39°C). Bovine rumen achieved glucose reduction of 76% and 80% and methane yield of 77% and 79% for the tests at 32°C and 39°C, respectively. It is inferred that this type of inoculum might be used in reactors of anaerobic digestion processes for the treatment of the cassava wastewater at the ambient temperature of the semiarid region.

Ano de publicação: 2019

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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