Evaluation of the micropagations potential of curauá pineapple hybrids for fiber production.
Evaluation of the micropagations potential of curauá pineapple hybrids for fiber production.
Autoria: SOUZA, C. P. F.; SOUZA, E. H. de; LEDO, C. A. da S.; SOUZA, F. V. D.
Resumo: Plant fiber is a renewable and biodegradable material that can be used effectively to reinforce various composites. Pineapple hybrids selected for their fiber quality are in the phase of agronomic validation in Brazil by the Embrapa Cassava and Fruits research unit. The selection of a hybrid for large-scale fiber production depends on obtaining a large number of seedlings. This study evaluated the morphogenetic response and propagation potential of eight hybrids of Ananas comosus var. erectifolius, for the purpose of producing high-quality seedlings on a large scale. Stem and crown buds were reduced and placed in MS nutritive medium supplemented with BAP at 0.5 mg L-1, NAA at 0.01 mg L-1 and Phytagel® at 2.5 g L-1. After 45 days, the number of oxidized, contaminated and surviving buds was determined. Swollen buds and plantlets were transferred to a multiplication medium containing MS sucrose, salts and vitamins. The propagation potential was evaluated based on the geometric growth rate among sub-cultures. The FIB-NEG hybrid presented the best results for the establishment phase (40.28%). The best propagative potential was obtained from crown buds with the highest values for FIB-EST (3.93), FIB-MIN (3.91) and FIB-BOY (3.91) hybrids.
Ano de publicação: 2018
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura
Palavras-chave: Abacaxi, Micropropagation, Micropropagação, Pineapples
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