GGE Biplot and REML/BLUP based-analysis of yield stability and adaptability for common beans in multi-environment trials.

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Autoria: SANTOS, P. R. dos; OLIVEIRA, T. R. A. de; SKEEN, P.; NASCIMENTO, M. R.; COSTA, K. D. da S.; ARAÚJO, E. R.; PEREIRA, H. S.; COSTA, A. F. da

Resumo: Prior to releasing new varieties, one of the most common aims in breeding is to study genotype by environmental interactions. Using the analysis obtained from these initial processes, a multitude of varieties based on their relative performance through different environments is produced. Herein we assessed the link-up between GGE Biplot and REML/BLUP based methods in a commercial panel of 32 bean genotypes, which included 17 carioca bean genotypes and 15 black bean genotypes. The assessment was conducted during 2009 in four different locations of Pernambuco State, Brazil. Regarding the locations, São João and Araripina showed to be highly representative and non-discriminatory, while Arcoverde was the most discriminatory and well-represented favoring the selection of widely adapted genotypes. The selection of genotypes was consistent by using both methods and the final conclusion shows outstanding performance. Considering a high yield stability and adaptability, the following genotypes showed outstanding performance: the black types included CNFP (11995, 11983, 11985 and 11991), and the carioca types are CNFC (11951 and 11954). Understanding genotype by environmental interactions enabled us to identify potential genotypes for releasing.

Ano de publicação: 2019

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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