Physicalchemical characteristics of honey from apicultural production in the Paraná River Islands in Guaíra-PR/ Brazil.
Physicalchemical characteristics of honey from apicultural production in the Paraná River Islands in Guaíra-PR/ Brazil.
Resumo: The aim of this study was to perform physicochemical analyzes of honey in terms of moisture content, pH, hydroximetifurfural (HMF), acidity, diastasis, sugars and sucrose. The reason of comparing the results obtained in the physicalchemical analysis of honey according to the established standards for honey of Apis mellifera, in accordance with the requirements of the national or international regulatory agencies, to verify the quality of honey produced. The physicalchemical analysis included among the maturity indicators of honey: moisture, pH, acidity and HMF. The research was done with data collection to evaluate the main honey producers of the Paraná River Islands with delimitation comprising the population of the Ayrton Senna da Silva bridge to the village called Porto Morumbi (Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil). The volume of higher honey production was analyzed, having as sample 06 beekeepers, where their coordinates were observed identifying the points obtained through the (Global Positioning System) GPS device. The physicochemical analysis of the minimum, maximum and average showed that the humidity is was least 18:95; maximum 23:70 and average 21:60, which according to the normartive nº 11 of 2000, are above the allowed.
Ano de publicação: 2019
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Pantanal
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