Ecosystem services provided by Bertholletia excelsa in the Brazilian Amazon.

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Autoria: MARTORANO, L. G.; GUEDES, M. C.; WADT, L. H. de O.; REALE, F.; TOURNE, D.; MARTORANO, P.; SILVA, K. E. da

Resumo: The development of regions such as the Amazon must not consider forest removal as a part of a purely mechanistic strategy because this will compromise the provision of ecosystem services to current and future populations. The objective of this work was to evaluate basic ecosystem services provided by Bertholletia excelsa (Brazil nut tree) as a conservation strategy for this important Amazon species. The RADAM Brazil Project conducted an inventory of individual stems and quantified human-modified areas as quantified by TerraClass by 2008. Ecosystem services provided by this species were categorized and analyzed in the MAPCAST project. Approximately 46% of the inventoried stems were located in human-modified areas in 2008. In native Bertholletia excelsa stands the ecosystem services provided, among others, were a natural source of selenium, fruit production, a food and economic resource for extractivist populations and wildlife, and attraction of pollinators (bees), which indicates a process of perpetuation of this species. With respect to climate regulation, using concepts from the "flying river" studies as a base, the total daily volume of water vapor pumped to the atmosphere (300 L) by evapotranspiration from a mature stem of Bertholletia excelsa contributes to thermal regulation and above- and below-ground carbon stocks, among others. Furthermore, socialization among extractivists during the fruit harvest period is an important cultural service provided by this species. Payment for environmental services (PES) is an important conservationist strategy, and in this sense the Brazil nut tree should a species included in agroforestry systems in the region.

Ano de publicação: 2019

Tipo de publicação: Resumo em anais e proceedings


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