A review on biogenic amines in food and feed: toxicological aspects, impact on health and control measures.

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Autoria: FEDDERN, V.; MAZZUCO, H.; FONSECA, F. M. da; LIMA, G. J. M. M. de

Resumo: Abstract: Biogenic amines (BAs) represent a considerable toxicological risk in some food and feed products. They are formed under unhygienic conditions during storage and processing; therefore, an increase in the concentrations of those metabolites is related to putrefaction. Because BAs are thermostable, they remain in food and feed that have undergone heat treatment. There are several toxicological effects, especially caused by histamine, when high concentrations of BAs are ingested by humans, depending on the food itself and also on individual susceptibility and individual health status. The present paper reviews the main BAs in meat products, their use as spoilage indicators, the risk on human health and also the contamination of by-product meals. Furthermore, we highlight the state of art regarding impact of BAs on poultry, meat and eggs.

Ano de publicação: 2019

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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