Rice sheath blight biocontrol and growth promotion by Trichoderma isolates from the Amazon.

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Autoria: SILVA, J. C. da; TORRES, D. B.; LUSTOSA, D. C.; FILIPPI, M. C. C. de; SILVA, G. B. da

Resumo: This study was carried out to select Trichoderma isolates from Amazon forest soil samples, identify their potential for sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani) suppression in rice, and promote plant growth. Four out of the 13 isolates (T.06, T.09, T.12, T.52) which showed in vitro potential were evaluated through assays under greenhouse conditions utilizing four application methods: 1) preventive and curative sprays; 2) seed treatment + curative sprays; 3) seed treatment; 4) substrate treatment. These four isolates also showed reduced R. solani mycelial growth and sclerotial viability (>50%) and were positive for phosphate solubilization and cellulose degradation. They significantly reduced sheath blight severity when applied as seed treatment, substrate incorporation or foliar spray. However, the preventive and curative sprays were the most efficient method, reducing sheath blight severity by 43% and the area under the disease progress curve by 45%. Isolates T.12 and T.52 applied in substrate treatment increased aerial and root dry weight by 61.2 and 32.9%, respectively. These two isolates showed potential as growth stimulants and can be used as novel biological products and bioinoculants in agriculture for increasing grain yield.

Ano de publicação: 2012

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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