Effect of species and log diameter on the volumetric yield of lumber in northern Brazilian Amazonia: preliminary results.

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Autoria: LIMA, R. B. de; FERREIRA, R. L. C.; SILVA, J. A. A. da; GUEDES, M. C.; SILVA, D. A. S. da; OLIVEIRA, C. P. de; RABELO, F. G.; SILVA, L. F. da C.

Resumo: Volumetric yield analysis is critical to optimizing performance in the timber industry. In the Amazon and in the Amapá state, this information is still little known and scarce, and therefore this study was developed to obtain and analyze the volumetric yield coefficient of ten commercial tree species and to test the variation by diameter class. We collect data of volumetric yield from for ten commercial species. For each species, the yields in different diameter classes were analyzed, as well as the yield difference between the species. The overall yield obtained for the sawmills (43.95%) and the yield of each species are within the established standards for operations in the industry according to the legal requirements.

Ano de publicação: 2019

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Unidade: Embrapa Amapa


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