Effects of oilfield water treated by electroflocculation and reverse osmosis in a typical brazilian semiarid soil.
Effects of oilfield water treated by electroflocculation and reverse osmosis in a typical brazilian semiarid soil.
Autoria: SOUZA, P. S. A.; MARQUES, M. R. C.; RIGO, M. M.; CERQUEIRA, A. A.; PAIVA, J. L.; MERÇON, F.; PEREZ, D. V.
Resumo: Produced water (PW), which is water extracted along with oil, is the largest waste stream in the oil and gas industry. With the proper treatment, this wastewater can be used in agricultural irrigation. This study evaluated the effects the application of PW treated by electroflocculation (EF) and combined electroflocculationreverse osmosis (EF-RO) on soil salinity and sodification parameters. Excessive sodium levels in PW treated by EF may affect soil structural stability and plant growth, and tends to accumulate in upper layers, displacing the nutrient K to deeper layers of the soil profile. PW treated by EF-RO did not promote salinization and soil sodification, indicating that this combined technique may be a viable alternative for oily water treatment aiming at irrigation use in semiarid regions.
Ano de publicação: 2019
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Solos
Palavras-chave: Irrigation, Irrigação, Osmose, Reverse osmosis, Soil, Solo, Wastewater, Águas Residuais
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