Site selection for underground dams using spatial multi-criteria evaluation in the semi-arid region of the state of Alagoas, Brazil.

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Autoria: WEBBER, D. C.; MARQUES, F. A.; OLIVEIRA NETO, M. B. de; BARROS, A. H. C.; SILVA, M. S. L. da

Resumo: A spatial multi-criteria evaluation is proposed to identify suitable locations for underground dams (UD) in the semi-arid state of Alagoas, Brazil. This is a strategic program, which involves a national agency, Embrapa, and the State Government of Alagoas. Suitable areas are identified by combining spatial information on topography, hydrography, pedology, and geology. The topography (slope) and hydrography line vectors were extracted treating a Digital Elevation Model. The pedological data were classified using soil attributes including salinity and sodicity. The geological data were classified according their origin and structural/tectonic factors. The pluviometry data from 78 stations were classified and, subsequently, interpolated. Each map following a basic Geographic Information System analysis was divided into three categories. The "High suitability" category was given to locations that contain ideal conditions; the "Moderate" category indicates suitable regions, but may require further analysis focused on the element which indicated a low rating note, and finally, the "Low Suitability" category, indicates environmental limitations under the criteria presented here, although may still be considered if a more detailed investigation is performed. The methodology proved to be accurate for the scale of investigation as the results coincided well with the areas where the most efficient UDs are already in operation.

Ano de publicação: 2019

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings

Unidade: Embrapa Solos


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