La etapa de maduración de la uva influye en el contenido fenólico, el color y la capacidad antioxidante de los vinos tintos tropicales Touriga Nacional?

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Autoria: CARVALHO, E. S. S. de; NUNES, G. da S.; BARROS, A. P. A.; LIMA, M. A. C. de; BARROS, E. S. de; FREITAS, S. T. de; BIASOTO, A. C. T.; DRUZIAN, J. I.

Resumo: Ripening corresponds to a stage in which several chemical and structural changes take place in the berry. Atypically, in the Northeast of Brazil, region known as the Submiddle Sao Francisco Valley, the semi-arid tropical climate, combined with the absence of winter and the availability of water for irrigation, makes it possible to scale production and harvest up to two crops throughout the year. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the content of total phenolic compounds, monomeric anthocyanins, antioxidant capacity (determined by the DPPH and ABTS methods), color and the total polyphenol index in red wines produced from Touriga Nacional (Vitis Vinífera L.) grapes harvested at different ripening stages. The experiment was carried out in a commercial Touriga Nacional vineyard located in Lagoa Grande, PE, Brazil (9°2'S, 40°11'O) with 360 drip irrigated plants cultivated in the overhead trellising system. The treatments corresponded to three different harvest dates, being arranged in a randomized complete block design with three plots. The grapes from each plot were vinified separately after being harvested at three different maturity stages that were reached at 106 days after pruning (DAP) at 12/07/2017, 113 DAP and 120 DAP. According to the results, Touriga Nacional red wine, made with grapes harvested at 120 DAP, presented significantly higher monomeric anthocyanin concentration (493.5 mg L-1), high antioxidant capacity according to the ABTS method (43.8 ?MolTE mL-1), as well as high color intensity evaluated spectrophotometrically (24.38) and total polyphenol index-TPI (72.1), compared with red wine made with grapes harvested at other ripening stages. According to the literature, these characteristics can increase the stability of red wine and improve its nutritional and sensory quality. In conclusion, harvest of ?Touriga Nacional? grapes at more advanced ripening stages (120 DAP) is recommended for red wine production in the Submiddle Sao Francisco Valley region, Brazil.

Ano de publicação: 2019

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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