Development of the correction procedure for High Volume Instrument elongation measurement.

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Autoria: McCORMICK, K. M.; MORAIS, J. P. S.; HEQUET, E.; KELLY, B.

Resumo: Cotton spinning mills need high-quality fibers to maintain their manufacturing efficiency. Machinery throughput is increasing and it could translate into more processes with higher breaking stress. Consequently, more fibers are susceptible to breaking or damage. To face this problem, breeders must develop new varieties whose fibers can better withstand this mechanical stress. The main tool utilized in cotton breeding programs is the High Volume Instrument (HVI), which reports in a short time measurements such as micronaire, length, color, and strength. This instrument can also determine fiber elongation, but there is no current correction method for it. Both elongation and strength factor into the work-to-break of fibers, which plays a direct role in fiber breakage and spinning performance. The objective of this work was to develop cotton elongation standards, devise a correction procedure for HVI lines, evaluate measurement stability, and validate these results with a set of independent samples. Two commercial bales, one with low and one with high HVI elongation, were identified as potential elongation standards. The potential standards were produced and evaluated. After validation, they were used to correct HVI lines against Stelometer (STrength-ELOngation-METER) measurements. An independent set of samples was tested on corrected HVIs to confirm the effectiveness of the elongation corrected measurements. The HVI data were at least as good as the Stelometer data, with increased data acquisition speed and precision. This research can help cotton breeders to improve fiber elongation and strength at the same time, resulting in better fibers for yarn spinning.

Ano de publicação: 2019

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Unidade: Embrapa Algodão


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