Scutellonema bradys and Pratylenchus spp. associated with weeds in yam fields.

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Autoria: ALMEIDA, A. V. D. L. de; MUNIZ, M. de F. S.; NORONHA, M. de A.; SOUZA, R. C. de; M. FILHO, G.; FARIAS, S. P. de

Resumo: Dry root disease of yam (Dioscorea spp.), caused by Scutellonema bradys, Pratylenchus coffeae and brachyurus, isprominent among the plant disease problems of yam in Brazil. In order to evaluate the association of these nematode species withweeds, field sampling was performed during 2016 and 2017 in yam-growing areas with a history of the disease within the majorcounties in the state of Alagoas, Brazil. The frequency of occurrence of both weeds and nematodes was determined, in addition tothe estimated population of nematodes in roots. Forty-three weed species were found, of which 23 were infected with at least one ofthe causal agents of the dry rot disease, Pratylenchus spp. being the most prevalent in the fields. Ageratum conyzoides, Commelina benghalensisandEmilia coccinea (in Zona da Mata) and C. benghalensis (Agreste region) were especially important due to theirhigh frequency of occurrence and also for supporting populations of bradysan Pratylenchus spp. Cyperus flavus, coccinea and permacoce verticillataare now recorded as new weed species associated with. bradys.

Ano de publicação: 2019

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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