Genotyping by sequencing approach for autotetraploid Urochloa Ruziziensis genetic breeding.

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Autoria: RESENDE, R. M. S.; MARTINS, F. B.; VILELA, M. de M.; MORAES, A. C. L.; FERREIRA, R. C. U.; DÉO, T. G.; MOREIRA, F. A.; PASTINA, M. M.; NODA, R. W.; SOUZA, A. P.

Resumo: Although Brazil is the major producer and exporter of beef in the world, the rangelands are cultivated with varieties obtained by selection on germplasm and conventional breeding. Only lately genomic information started to be used in the tropical forage breeding programs mostly because of the genome complexity and costs. Urochloa ruziziensis is a sexual autotetraploid forage that has a significant role in integrated systems that are currently important in the agribusiness in certain regions of Brazil and is essential as female parent in other Urochloa spp. breeding programs. Thus, this work intends to use the Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) approach to identify SNP markers to construct the first map of the species and estimate breeding values for Genomic Selection.

Ano de publicação: 2019

Tipo de publicação: Folders


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