Analysis on the Technical Efficiency of Northeast Municipal Expenditure with Basic Education: A DEA Approach and Malmquist's Index.
Analysis on the Technical Efficiency of Northeast Municipal Expenditure with Basic Education: A DEA Approach and Malmquist's Index.
Autoria: ARAÚJO JÚNIOR, J. N. de; JUSTO, W. R.; LIMA, J. R. F. de; FERREIRA, M. de O.; ARAUJO, J. L. P.; PEREIRA, A. F. C.
Resumo: The objective of this study is to measure and analyze the static and dynamic efficiency of Northeastern municipalities in educational expenditures for the years 2007 and 2013. In order to reach the objectives, a cluster analysis was first carried out using the non-hierarchical k-means method to the Northeastern municipalities according to socioeconomic and populational characteristics. After the groups were defined, the DEA-BCC model was applied to analyze the static efficiency and DEA-Malmquist to analyze the efficiency dynamics in the period. The results indicate that Northeastern municipalities improved efficiency in public spending on education in the period 2007 and 2013. However, it still maintains low levels of efficiency.
Ano de publicação: 2019
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Semiárido
Palavras-chave: DEA-Malmquist, Education, Educação, Gastos públicos, IDEB, Nordeste, Políticas Públicas, Índice de Malmquist
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