Status of women in Brazil, disparities and efforts at Embrapa and in agriculture.

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Autoria: ARZABE, C.; MARTINS, A. L. da S.

Resumo: Reducing gender gaps in the labor market would allow an additional 204 million people to enter the global workforce by 2025. This increase could lead to a 3.9% increase in world gross domestic product (GDP). A large part of the jobs (162.4 million or 62%) would be generated in emerging countries, due to their relative size and the fact that they have the greatest gender disparities (Mujeres, 2017). Among other factors, the expansion of the presence of women in positions of management, spaces of power and decision of the governments, in the spaces of social control of the public policies, in the parliament, in the political parties, in the social movements, in the unions, in the cooperatives, in the academic world and in access to professions considered to be male professions, as well as the construction within government of executive women?s policy bodies (at different levels of the federation) broaden the horizon of the participation and political action of women and male a new configuration for the occupation and construction of these spaces with equality and social justice (Plano..., 2013).

Ano de publicação: 2020

Unidade: Embrapa Solos


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