Challenges and perspectives.

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Autoria: ARZABE, C.; COSTA, V. C.; ALVES, H. M. R.; MARTINS, A. L. da S.; BUENO, Y. M.

Resumo: Women have a fundamental role in maintaining life and productive activities that promote social equality, environmental justice and sustainable development. Among the challenges faced by them are the invisibility of their work, violence and discrimination in the countryside and institutions, the restriction of access to land and credit, and the difficulty of accessing public policies. There are numerous initiatives of the Brazilian government to promote gender equality and women's autonomy, culminating in various public policies. However, the cultural and paradigm shift needed to value, recognize and empower women in the countryside, in forests and in cities, requires that these policies be transformed into state policies, so that they continue regardless of those in power. One issue that deserves to be highlighted in relation to public policies is that often the insertion of this theme occurs in the logic of transversality. This logic allows women to permeate all spheres and initiatives, but in many cases what happens is the inexistence of specific actions that value their protagonism. Thus, it is essential to implement specific public policies, programs and projects for women, which can effectively guarantee their participation in decision-making, strengthening their autonomy and their insertion in productive activities.

Ano de publicação: 2020

Unidade: Embrapa Solos


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