SSR and ISSR markers in assessing genetic diversity in Gallus gallus domesticus: a quantitative analysis of scientific production.

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Autoria: SILVA JUNIOR, M. S. F. S. da; BORGES, A. A. de S.; SANTOS, S. R. N.; MOURA, V. G. de; SILVANA, G. R. da; DIAS, A. C. S.; ARAUJO, A. M. de; OLIVEIRA FILHO, J. W. G. de

Resumo: Poultry meat is a major source of animal protein in the world. Research indicates a high inbreeding rate derived from a relative absence of heterozygous subpopulations of chicken from different suppliers. Molecular markers can provide information for the genetic basis of chicken consumed in rural areas and help establishing a chicken database for product quality and warranty. The bibliometric research, comprises between 1994 and 2018, from five previously selected databases: Google Scholar, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus and Web of Science, using the following descriptors: ?microsatellites?, ?SSR?, ?ISSR?, ?genetic variability? and ?genetic diversity?, all of them coupled to ?chicken? and/or ?birds? results in 66 scientific publications. The publications were then categorized according to their titles to the use of ISSR or SSR markers. They were also addressed by countries according first author cited. The publications data appointed that countries with the height production of poultry meat and hens are the most interested in the genetic diversity study of these species. The SSR markers, due to its more specific characteristic, are more frequently applied to genetic diversity assignment, compared to ISSR.

Ano de publicação: 2020

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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