The power of maps and participatory approaches: the use of social cartography in the territorial representation of rural settlements.

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Autoria: MILAGRES, C. S. F.; FERREIRA NETO, J. A.; SOUSA, D. N. de

Resumo: The elaboration of a methodology of social intervention based on a collective work has as proposal to meet the needs of the community, the orientation of the technicians and a better interaction with the institutions that act in the place. In this sense, this article analyzes the development of a participatory methodology that articulates the use of the principles of social cartography. This was applied and validated in a rural settlement for the elaboration of georeferenced participatory maps on territorial representation. It is concluded that this methodology facilitated the empowerment of the participants in the territorial representation of the rural settlement.

Ano de publicação: 2020

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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