Survey of beetles in crop-livestock-forest integration system in Southeast Brazil.
Survey of beetles in crop-livestock-forest integration system in Southeast Brazil.
Resumo: The aim of this study was to determine the main families of beetles occurring in an integrated crop-livestock-forest system, evaluating the influence of abiotic factors (average temperature and rainfall) in their distribution in Prudente de Morais region, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The survey was carried out in the experimental farm EPAMIG Centro-Oeste. The sampling was conducted in five areas of the system. In each area were distributed nine pitfall traps which were weekly replaced. The sampling was made in the summer (02/03 to 03/02/2012) and in the winter (08/03 to 08/31/2012). The beetles were separated and identified at the family level, being the most representative ones identified to the tribe/genus. In the summer sampling Scarabaeidae (54.7%), Carabidae (16.3%) and Tenebrionidae (9.3%), were the most representative families while in the winter sampling Tenebrionidae (67.1%), Carabidae (14.6%) and Staphylinidae (14.6%) were the most representative ones.
Ano de publicação: 2020
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Milho e Sorgo
Palavras-chave: Besouro, Coleóptero, ILPF, Sistema de Cultivo
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