The importance of the Brazilian Subtropical Highland Grasslands evidenced by a taxonomically verified endemic species list.

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Resumo: The Brazilian Subtropical Highland Grasslands (Campos de Cima da Serra) is one of the main areas of endemism in southern Brazil. The complex biogeographic history that resulted in the floristic composition of the region is directly linked to the high degree of plant endemism found there. Here we present a current checklist for the endemic plants – the first taxonomically verified endemic species list for the region. The list comprises 273 endemic taxa (23.5% of its flora) representing 40 families and 117 genera, highlighting fifty-seven taxa reported as endemic from the region for the first time in recent years. Voucher specimens, original publication, locality information and distribution data are provided for each endemic taxon. Botanical collections in the Brazilian Subtropical Highland Grasslands have increased exponentially during the last four decades. However, 41 taxa are known only from the original collection record reported in their protologue. Our results emphasize the importance of the Brazilian Subtropical Highland Grasslands in terms of conservation of its flora and the importance of providing complete information on botanical collection labels as source for a robust knowledge of the flora.

Ano de publicação: 2020

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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